Friday, November 03, 2006


My colleagues will keep all these find commands in a document. When they need to find certain string in a pile of .java or .jsp documents, they will copy-then-paste from Windows to UNIX terminal.

find . -name "DateUtil" -print;
find . -exec grep "DateUtil" '{}' \; -print;
find . -exec grep "import helper.notification" '{}' \; -print;
find . -exec grep "effectiveDate" '{}' \; -print;
find . -exec grep "ant" '{}' \; -print;

However, they do not know that it can be generalised to one shell function.

find . \( -name "*.java" -o -name "*.jsp" \) -type f -exec grep -ilF "$*" {} \;
jfind will be more efficient than their corresponding find commands because
  • locates only .java and .jsp files (no directory)
  • uses fixed-string search (grep -F == fgrep)
  • uses case-insensitive search
  • suppresses normal output, returns only the file name. The scanning will stop on the first match
So, jfind hooray! jfind hooray!



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