RSS Feed from Government Sites ? One only
Tcl program was written using packages such as http and tDOM to do this exploratory work. BTW, ActiveTcl from ActiveState has a lot of these extensions pre-compiled. I extracted all the govt related sites from their "A-Z Government List" and looped through all these sites to see whether they provide feed in their header. A snippet of the Tcl using XPath syntax to locate the feed link is:
set result [$root selectNode {//link[@type="application/rss+xml" or @type="application/atom+xml"]}] if { [llength $result] > 0 } { puts "Yes - $url" } else { puts "No - $url" }
So the big question is: Why there isn't any feed ? May be it is embedded in the html body instead of head, or there is intellectual property in the feed that is too valuable to expose to the rest of the world.
Anyway, I will let you to figure that out.
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