Friday, November 07, 2008

IPMI on Sun x64 Server

If your system supports IPMI (Intelligent Platform Management Interface), you may want to explore to use it to monitor your hardware. Do you know that you can use it to monitor LED lights, CPU temperature, fan speed, event log, ...

For Sun hardware, IPMI is available to all their x64 types of servers. In my office, I use it monitor my Sun Fire V20z, V40z, X4500, X4600. As for SPARC servers, as far as I know it is available only to T5120 and T5220 UltraSPARC T2 type of servers or newer. Sun has a blueprint, Remote Monitoring of Sun x64 Systems using IPMITOOL and IPMIEVD, showing you how to use IPMI. BTW, ipmievd - IPMI event daemon for sending events to syslog

If you do not have IPMI, here I will show you what it can do. They output is from one of my Sun Fire X4600. BTW, some of the commands require root access.

Here shows you what are the sub-commands available in IPMI

# /usr/sfw/bin/ipmitool
No command provided!
        raw           Send a RAW IPMI request and print response
        i2c           Send an I2C Master Write-Read command and print response
        lan           Configure LAN Channels
        chassis       Get chassis status and set power state
        event         Send pre-defined events to MC
        mc            Management Controller status and global enables
        sdr           Print Sensor Data Repository entries and readings
        sensor        Print detailed sensor information
        fru           Print built-in FRU and scan SDR for FRU locators
        sel           Print System Event Log (SEL)
        pef           Configure Platform Event Filtering (PEF)
        sol           Configure IPMIv2.0 Serial-over-LAN
        isol          Configure IPMIv1.5 Serial-over-LAN
        user          Configure Management Controller users
        channel       Configure Management Controller channels
        session       Print session information
        sunoem        OEM Commands for Sun servers
        exec          Run list of commands from file
        set           Set runtime variable for shell and exec

Here, you can check on the status of the chassis, LED lights, list of field replacement unit (FRU), event list, ...

# /usr/sfw/bin/ipmitool chassis status
System Power         : on
Power Overload       : false
Power Interlock      : inactive
Main Power Fault     : false
Power Control Fault  : false
Power Restore Policy : always-off
Last Power Event     :
Chassis Intrusion    : inactive
Front-Panel Lockout  : inactive
Drive Fault          : false
Cooling/Fan Fault    : false

# /usr/sfw/bin/ipmitool sunoem led get all
sys.power.led    | ON
sys.locate.led   | OFF
sys.alert.led    | OFF
sys.psfail.led   | OFF
sys.tempfail.led | OFF
sys.fanfail.led  | OFF
ft0.fm0.led      | OFF
ft1.fm0.led      | OFF
ft2.fm0.led      | OFF
ft3.fm0.led      | OFF
io.hdd0.led      | OFF
io.hdd1.led      | OFF
io.hdd2.led      | OFF
io.hdd3.led      | OFF
p0.led           | OFF
p0.d0.led        | OFF
p0.d1.led        | OFF
p0.d2.led        | OFF
p0.d3.led        | OFF
p1.led           | OFF
p1.d0.led        | OFF
p1.d1.led        | OFF
p1.d2.led        | OFF
p1.d3.led        | OFF
p2.led           | OFF
p2.d0.led        | OFF
p2.d1.led        | OFF
p2.d2.led        | OFF
p2.d3.led        | OFF
p3.led           | OFF
p3.d0.led        | OFF
p3.d1.led        | OFF
p3.d2.led        | OFF
p3.d3.led        | OFF
p4.led           | OFF
p4.d0.led        | OFF
p4.d1.led        | OFF
p4.d2.led        | OFF
p4.d3.led        | OFF
p5.led           | OFF
p5.d0.led        | OFF
p5.d1.led        | OFF
p5.d2.led        | OFF
p5.d3.led        | OFF
p6.led           | OFF
p6.d0.led        | OFF
p6.d1.led        | OFF
p6.d2.led        | OFF
p7.led           | OFF
p7.d0.led        | OFF
p7.d1.led        | OFF
p7.d2.led        | OFF
p6.d3.led        | OFF
p7.d3.led        | OFF
p0.card.led      | OFF
p1.card.led      | OFF
p2.card.led      | OFF
p3.card.led      | OFF
p4.card.led      | OFF
p5.card.led      | OFF
p6.card.led      | OFF
p7.card.led      | OFF

# /usr/sfw/bin/ipmitool fru
FRU Device Description : Builtin FRU Device (ID 0)
 Board Product         : ASSY,SERV PROCESSOR,X4600
 Board Serial          : 1762TH1-0627002736
 Board Part Number     : 501-7382-01
 Board Extra           : 51
 Board Extra           : G4_SP
 Product Manufacturer  : SUN MICROSYSTEMS
 Product Name          : ILOM

FRU Device Description : sp.net0.fru (ID 1)
 Product Manufacturer  : MOTOROLA
 Product Name          : FAST ETHERNET CONTROLLER
 Product Part Number   : MPC8248 FCC

# /usr/sfw/bin/ipmitool sel list
 100 | 09/13/2006 | 21:15:27 | System Firmware Progress | Motherboard initialization
 200 | 09/13/2006 | 21:15:27 | System Firmware Progress | Video initialization
 300 | 09/13/2006 | 21:15:35 | System Firmware Progress | USB resource configuration
 400 | 09/13/2006 | 21:16:41 | System Firmware Progress | Option ROM initialization
 500 | 09/13/2006 | 21:17:31 | System Firmware Progress | System boot initiated
 600 | 09/13/2006 | 21:46:34 | System Firmware Progress | Motherboard initialization
 700 | 09/13/2006 | 21:46:34 | System Firmware Progress | Video initialization
 800 | 09/13/2006 | 21:46:42 | System Firmware Progress | USB resource configuration
 900 | 09/13/2006 | 21:46:58 | System Firmware Progress | Option ROM initialization
 a00 | 09/13/2006 | 21:47:45 | System Firmware Progress | System boot initiated
 b00 | 09/13/2006 | 22:29:10 | Power Supply #0x20 | State Deasserted
 # /usr/sfw/bin/ipmitool sdr
sys.power        | 0x02              | ok
sys.locate       | 0x01              | ok
sys.locate.btn   | 0x01              | ok
sys.alert        | 0x01              | ok
sys.psfail       | 0x01              | ok
sys.tempfail     | 0x01              | ok
sys.fanfail      | 0x01              | ok
sys.intsw        | 0x00              | ok
fp.prsnt         | 0x02              | ok
mb.t_amb0        | 31 degrees C      | ok
mb.t_amb1        | 32 degrees C      | ok
mb.t_amb2        | 37 degrees C      | ok
mb.v_bat         | 3.09 Volts        | ok
mb.v_+3v3aux_r   | 3.29 Volts        | ok
mb.v_+3v3        | 3.32 Volts        | ok
mb.v_+5v         | 5.10 Volts        | ok
mb.v_+12v        | 12.16 Volts       | ok
mb.v_-12v        | -12.20 Volts      | ok
mb.v_+2v5        | 2.56 Volts        | ok
mb.v_+1v5        | 1.52 Volts        | ok
mb.v_+1v2        | 1.26 Volts        | ok
ps0.prsnt        | 0x02              | ok
ps0.vinok        | 0x02              | ok
ps0.pwrok        | 0x02              | ok
ps1.prsnt        | 0x02              | ok
ps1.vinok        | 0x02              | ok
ps1.pwrok        | 0x02              | ok
ps2.prsnt        | 0x02              | ok
ps2.vinok        | 0x02              | ok
ps2.pwrok        | 0x02              | ok
ps3.prsnt        | 0x02              | ok
ps3.vinok        | 0x02              | ok
ps3.pwrok        | 0x02              | ok
io.prsnt         | 0x02              | ok     | 0x01              | ok     | 0x01              | ok     | 0x01              | ok     | 0x01              | ok
ft0.fm0.prsnt    | 0x02              | ok
ft0.fm0.f0.speed | 2500 RPM          | ok     | 0x01              | ok
ft1.fm0.prsnt    | 0x02              | ok
ft1.fm0.f0.speed | 2500 RPM          | ok     | 0x01              | ok
ft2.fm0.prsnt    | 0x02              | ok
ft2.fm0.f0.speed | 2500 RPM          | ok     | 0x01              | ok
ft3.fm0.prsnt    | 0x02              | ok
ft3.fm0.f0.speed | 2600 RPM          | ok     | 0x01              | ok
p0.cardok        | 0x01              | ok          | 0x01              | ok       | 0x01              | ok       | 0x01              | ok       | 0x01              | ok       | 0x01              | ok
p0.t_amb         | 17 degrees C      | ok
p0.v_+2v5        | 2.59 Volts        | ok
p0.v_core        | 1.34 Volts        | ok
p0.v_+3v3aux_r   | 3.22 Volts        | ok
p0.v_+12v        | 12.16 Volts       | ok
p0.v_+3v3led     | 3.08 Volts        | ok
p0.v_+1v2        | 1.19 Volts        | ok
p0.v_+1v25core   | 1.29 Volts        | ok
p1.cardok        | 0x01              | ok          | 0x01              | ok       | 0x01              | ok       | 0x01              | ok       | 0x01              | ok       | 0x01              | ok
p1.t_amb         | 17 degrees C      | ok
p1.v_+2v5        | 2.57 Volts        | ok
p1.v_core        | 1.34 Volts        | ok
p1.v_+3v3aux_r   | 3.22 Volts        | ok
p1.v_+12v        | 12.16 Volts       | ok
p1.v_+3v3led     | 3.08 Volts        | ok
p1.v_+1v2        | 1.18 Volts        | ok
p1.v_+1v25core   | 1.28 Volts        | ok
p2.cardok        | 0x01              | ok          | 0x01              | ok       | 0x01              | ok       | 0x01              | ok       | 0x01              | ok       | 0x01              | ok
p2.t_amb         | 17 degrees C      | ok
p2.v_+2v5        | 2.56 Volts        | ok
p2.v_core        | 1.36 Volts        | ok
p2.v_+3v3aux_r   | 3.22 Volts        | ok
p2.v_+12v        | 12.10 Volts       | ok
p2.v_+3v3led     | 3.09 Volts        | ok
p2.v_+1v2        | 1.19 Volts        | ok
p2.v_+1v25core   | 1.28 Volts        | ok
p3.cardok        | 0x01              | ok          | 0x01              | ok       | 0x01              | ok       | 0x01              | ok       | 0x01              | ok       | 0x01              | ok
p3.t_amb         | 17 degrees C      | ok
p3.v_+2v5        | 2.59 Volts        | ok
p3.v_core        | 1.34 Volts        | ok
p3.v_+3v3aux_r   | 3.22 Volts        | ok
p3.v_+12v        | 12.16 Volts       | ok
p3.v_+3v3led     | 3.08 Volts        | ok
p3.v_+1v2        | 1.18 Volts        | ok
p3.v_+1v25core   | 1.30 Volts        | ok
p4.cardok        | 0x01              | ok          | 0x01              | ok       | 0x01              | ok       | 0x01              | ok       | 0x01              | ok       | 0x01              | ok
p4.t_amb         | 16 degrees C      | ok
p4.v_+2v5        | 2.57 Volts        | ok
p4.v_core        | 1.36 Volts        | ok
p4.v_+3v3aux_r   | 3.22 Volts        | ok
p4.v_+12v        | 12.10 Volts       | ok
p4.v_+3v3led     | 3.08 Volts        | ok
p4.v_+1v2        | 1.18 Volts        | ok
p4.v_+1v25core   | 1.28 Volts        | ok
p5.cardok        | 0x01              | ok       | 0x01              | ok       | 0x01              | ok       | 0x01              | ok       | 0x01              | ok          | 0x01              | ok
p5.t_amb         | 17 degrees C      | ok
p5.v_+2v5        | 2.57 Volts        | ok
p5.v_core        | 1.36 Volts        | ok
p5.v_+3v3aux_r   | 3.22 Volts        | ok
p5.v_+12v        | 12.10 Volts       | ok
p5.v_+3v3led     | 3.08 Volts        | ok
p5.v_+1v2        | 1.18 Volts        | ok
p5.v_+1v25core   | 1.28 Volts        | ok
p6.cardok        | 0x01              | ok          | 0x01              | ok       | 0x01              | ok       | 0x01              | ok       | 0x01              | ok       | 0x01              | ok
p6.t_amb         | 17 degrees C      | ok
p6.v_+2v5        | 2.57 Volts        | ok
p6.v_core        | 1.34 Volts        | ok
p6.v_+3v3aux_r   | 3.22 Volts        | ok
p6.v_+12v        | 12.10 Volts       | ok
p6.v_+3v3led     | 3.07 Volts        | ok
p6.v_+1v2        | 1.18 Volts        | ok
p6.v_+1v25core   | 1.28 Volts        | ok
p7.cardok        | 0x01              | ok          | 0x01              | ok       | 0x01              | ok       | 0x01              | ok       | 0x01              | ok       | 0x01              | ok
p7.t_amb         | 16 degrees C      | ok
p7.v_+2v5        | 2.57 Volts        | ok
p7.v_core        | 1.36 Volts        | ok
p7.v_+3v3aux_r   | 3.20 Volts        | ok
p7.v_+12v        | 12.16 Volts       | ok
p7.v_+3v3led     | 3.08 Volts        | ok
p7.v_+1v2        | 1.18 Volts        | ok
p7.v_+1v25core   | 1.28 Volts        | ok
p0.prsnt         | 0x02              | ok
p1.prsnt         | 0x02              | ok
p2.prsnt         | 0x02              | ok
p3.prsnt         | 0x02              | ok
p4.prsnt         | 0x02              | ok
p5.prsnt         | 0x02              | ok
p6.prsnt         | 0x02              | ok
p7.prsnt         | 0x02              | ok
p0.t_core        | 37 degrees C      | ok
p1.t_core        | 34 degrees C      | ok
p2.t_core        | 31 degrees C      | ok
p3.t_core        | 30 degrees C      | ok
p4.t_core        | 36 degrees C      | ok
p5.t_core        | 34 degrees C      | ok
p6.t_core        | 33 degrees C      | ok
p7.t_core        | 36 degrees C      | ok

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