Visualising COE (Certificate of Entitlement)
I managed to web scrap all the COE (Certificate of Entitlement) from LTA site at
With gnuplot's multiplot feature, I am able to combine the COE quota premium ($) and quota bidding in a single plot. Also, I am able to put Categories A, B and E together in an animated GIF file. Here is the animation:
It is clear that there are far less COE quota given for the past 2 years and therefore the COE price keeps going up. Anyway my objective is on visualisation rather than trying to analyse COE trend. Here is my gnuplot code:
FYI, I will update the graph regularly to reflect the COE trend
With gnuplot's multiplot feature, I am able to combine the COE quota premium ($) and quota bidding in a single plot. Also, I am able to put Categories A, B and E together in an animated GIF file. Here is the animation:
It is clear that there are far less COE quota given for the past 2 years and therefore the COE price keeps going up. Anyway my objective is on visualisation rather than trying to analyse COE trend. Here is my gnuplot code:
set terminal png size 800,480 font "Arial,10" set xdata time set timefmt "%Y-%m-%d" set format y '%6.0f' set xrange [:"2012-08-01"] set xtic offset 4 # -- 1st plot set output 'coe-a.png' set multiplot set title "Singapore C.O.E. (Category A <1600cc), last update 2012-07-19" set ylabel "Quota Premium ($)" set size 1,0.65 set origin 0,0.35 set bmargin 0 unset key set format x '' set grid set yrange [0:100000] set ytics 10000 plot 'coe.txt' using 1:3 with lines unset title set key right box set bmargin set size 1,0.3 set origin 0,0 set tmargin 0 set ylabel 'Quota' set format x '%Y' set yrange [0:6000] set ytics 1000 plot \ 'coe.txt' using 1:4 with filledcurves x1 linetype 1 title 'Total Bids', \ 'coe.txt' using 1:2 with filledcurves x1 linetype 2 title 'Quota', \ 'coe.txt' using 1:4 with lines linetype -1 notitle, \ 'coe.txt' using 1:2 with lines linetype -1 notitle reset unset multiplot set output 'coe-b.png' set xdata time set timefmt "%Y-%m-%d" set format y '%6.0f' set xrange [:"2012-08-01"] set xtic offset 4 # -- 2nd plot set multiplot set title "Singapore C.O.E. (Category B >1600cc), last update 2012-07-19" set ylabel "Quota Premium ($)" set size 1,0.65 set origin 0,0.35 set bmargin 0 unset key set format x '' set grid set yrange [0:100000] set ytics 10000 plot 'coe.txt' using 1:8 with lines unset title set key right box set bmargin set size 1,0.3 set origin 0,0 set tmargin 0 set ylabel 'Quota' set format x '%Y' set yrange [0:6000] set ytics 1000 plot \ 'coe.txt' using 1:9 with filledcurves x1 linetype 1 title 'Total Bids', \ 'coe.txt' using 1:7 with filledcurves x1 linetype 2 title 'Quota', \ 'coe.txt' using 1:9 with lines linetype -1 notitle, \ 'coe.txt' using 1:7 with lines linetype -1 notitle reset unset multiplot set xdata time set output 'coe-e.png' set timefmt "%Y-%m-%d" set format y '%6.0f' set xrange [:"2012-08-01"] set xtic offset 4 # -- 3rd plot set multiplot set title "Singapore C.O.E. (Category E - Open), last update 2012-07-19" set ylabel "Quota Premium ($)" set size 1,0.65 set origin 0,0.35 set bmargin 0 unset key set format x '' set grid set yrange [0:100000] set ytics 10000 plot 'coe.txt' using 1:23 with lines unset title set key right box set bmargin set size 1,0.3 set origin 0,0 set tmargin 0 set ylabel 'Quota' set format x '%Y' set yrange [0:6000] set ytics 1000 plot \ 'coe.txt' using 1:24 with filledcurves x1 linetype 1 title 'Total Bids', \ 'coe.txt' using 1:22 with filledcurves x1 linetype 2 title 'Quota', \ 'coe.txt' using 1:24 with lines linetype -1 notitle, \ 'coe.txt' using 1:22 with lines linetype -1 notitleInterested in the data ? It is in the source. :-)
FYI, I will update the graph regularly to reflect the COE trend
Labels: gnulot
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