Python Runs A Lot Faster Than Tcl
With the charactistics of list being mutable in Python, it has very little penalty in changing the content of individual item in the list. Python does not have to re-create a separate list object when the content is changed, whereas Tcl has to do that. In Tcl, performance will definitely deteriorate when we have to deal with long list.
Here is my second Python code snippet, not very fantastic but it works and run fast. I am very impressed with Python's performance. BTW, the exception handling (
try: except:) in Python has less CPU overhead and finer control than Tcl's
import csv, sys if len(sys.argv) != 4: print "Usage:", sys.argv[0], "csv(in)", "mapping", "csv(out)" exit(1) # # mapping as dict object # map={} for line in open(sys.argv[2],"r"): k,v=line.rstrip().split(":") map[k]=v reader=csv.reader(open(sys.argv[1],"rb")) writer=csv.writer(open(sys.argv[3],"wb")) # # find header indices # i_email =header.index("Email Address") i_telephone=header.index("Telephone") i_assigned =header.index("* Assigned-to (Person)") .... writer.writerow(header) for row in reader: if row[i_email] == "": row[i_email]="default@somewhere" if row[i_telephone] == "": row[i_telephone]="123456789" try: row[i_assigned]=map[row[i_assigned]] except: row[i_assigned]="" .... writer.writerow(row)
While I am still trying to finish the Learning Python, 3rd Ed book (only managed to finish half of it), I am always looking for opportunities to apply what I learn.
Labels: performance, python, Tcl
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