Learn AWK by Examples
Print all users in /etc/passwd start with a, c, or d
$ awk -F: ' /^[acd]/ { print $1 }' /etc/passwd daemon colord avahi-autoipd avahi chihung
Process stdin based on patterns as range
$ echo 'BEGIN abc def END junk junk START pqrst uvwxyz STOP' | awk ' /START/,/STOP/ { print "-->" $0 } /BEGIN/,/END/ { print "==>" $0 } ' ==>BEGIN ==>abc ==>def ==>END -->START -->pqrst -->uvwxyz -->STOP
Print 10 random number 10<=N<20, use /dev/null as a dummy input file
$ awk -v n=10 -v start=10 -v end=20 ' BEGIN { srand() for (i=1; i<=n; ++i) { printf("%d\n", start+rand()*(end-start)) } }' /dev/null 17 13 15 19 10 11 19 13 11 19
Count by file types in current directory
$ ls -l | awk ' BEGIN { dirs=0 files=0 socks=0 links=0 } /total/ { next } /^d/ { ++dirs } /^-/ { ++files } /^s/ { ++socks } /^l/ { ++links } END { print "dirs=" dirs, "files=" files, "socks=" socks, "links=" links } ' dirs=3 files=10 socks=0 links=0
Count by file types in current directory (using array)
$ ls -l | awk ' $1 != "total" { c1=substr($1,1,1) ++s[c1] } END { printf("dirs=%d files=%d socks=%d links=%d\n", s["d"], s["-"], s["s"], s["l"]) } ' dirs=3 files=10 socks=0 links=0
Calculate total size of all .gz files in /usr/share directory
$ find /usr/share -type f -name "*.gz" -ls | awk ' { s+=$7 } END { printf("%.2lf MB\n", s/(1024*1024)) } ' 63.08 MB
Count files by users in /home directory
$ find /home -mount -type f -ls | awk ' { ++count[$5] size[$5]+=$7 } END { for ( i in count ) { printf("User=%s Count=%d Size=%s\n", i, count[i], size[i]) } } ' User=chihung Count=16301 Size=6346658343 User=root Count=10 Size=80109
Print all users start with e, f, g with their corresponding group name. Group id to name mapping is stored in the gid2name array by processing the first file /etc/group. (Note: I present two similar ways to do the same task)
$ awk -F: ' NR==FNR { gid2name[$3]=$1 } NR>FNR && /^[e-g]/ { print $1, gid2name[$4] }' /etc/group /etc/passwd games games gnats gnats gdm gdm games games gnats gnats gdm gdm $ awk -F: ' FILENAME=="/etc/group" { gid2name[$3]=$1 } FILENAME=="/etc/passwd" && /^[e-g]/ { print $1, gid2name[$4] }' /etc/group /etc/passwd games games gnats gnats gdm gdm games games gnats gnats gdm gdm
Count all file extensions in /usr/include directory
find /usr/include -mount -type f | $ awk -F/ ' { basename=$NF n=split(basename, arr, ".") if ( n>1 ) { ext=arr[n] ++summary[ext] } } END { for ( i in summary ) { print i, summary[i] } } ' h 4335 def 1 x 17 hpp 245 c 6 tcc 37
Multi-line record with blank line(s) as separator
$ cat ~/.mozilla/firefox/profiles.ini [General] StartWithLastProfile=1 [Profile0] Name=default IsRelative=1 Path=5d0x3te1.default $ awk ' BEGIN { FS="\n" RS="" } { for ( i=1; i<=NF; ++i ) { print "NR=" NR, "NF=" i, "Data=" $i } }' ~/.mozilla/firefox/profiles.ini NR=1 NF=1 Data=[General] NR=1 NF=2 Data=StartWithLastProfile=1 NR=2 NF=1 Data=[Profile0] NR=2 NF=2 Data=Name=default NR=2 NF=3 Data=IsRelative=1 NR=2 NF=4 Data=Path=5d0x3te1.default
Print all the section headers in a .ini file with function definition to remove square brackets
$ cat ~/.mozilla/firefox/profiles.ini [General] StartWithLastProfile=1 [Profile0] Name=default IsRelative=1 Path=5d0x3te1.default $ awk ' function rmsq(n) { gsub("\\[","",n) gsub("]","",n) return n } BEGIN { FS="\n" RS="" } { print rmsq($1) }' ~/.mozilla/firefox/profiles.ini General Profile0
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