Saturday, February 18, 2012

Visualising COE (Certificate of Entitlement)

I managed to web scrap all the COE (Certificate of Entitlement) from LTA site at
With gnuplot's multiplot feature, I am able to combine the COE quota premium ($) and quota bidding in a single plot. Also, I am able to put Categories A, B and E together in an animated GIF file. Here is the animation:

It is clear that there are far less COE quota given for the past 2 years and therefore the COE price keeps going up. Anyway my objective is on visualisation rather than trying to analyse COE trend. Here is my gnuplot code:
set terminal png size 800,480 font "Arial,10"
set xdata time
set timefmt "%Y-%m-%d"
set format y '%6.0f'
set xrange [:"2012-08-01"]
set xtic offset 4

# -- 1st plot
set output 'coe-a.png'
set multiplot
set title "Singapore C.O.E. (Category A <1600cc), last update 2012-07-19"
set ylabel "Quota Premium ($)"
set size 1,0.65
set origin 0,0.35
set bmargin 0
unset key
set format x ''
set grid
set yrange [0:100000]
set ytics 10000
plot 'coe.txt' using 1:3 with lines

unset title
set key right box
set bmargin
set size 1,0.3
set origin 0,0
set tmargin 0
set ylabel 'Quota'
set format x '%Y'
set yrange [0:6000]
set ytics 1000
plot \
'coe.txt' using 1:4 with filledcurves x1 linetype 1 title 'Total Bids', \
'coe.txt' using 1:2 with filledcurves x1 linetype 2 title 'Quota', \
'coe.txt' using 1:4 with lines linetype -1 notitle, \
'coe.txt' using 1:2 with lines linetype -1 notitle


unset multiplot
set output 'coe-b.png'
set xdata time
set timefmt "%Y-%m-%d"
set format y '%6.0f'
set xrange [:"2012-08-01"]
set xtic offset 4

# -- 2nd plot
set multiplot
set title "Singapore C.O.E. (Category B >1600cc), last update 2012-07-19"
set ylabel "Quota Premium ($)"
set size 1,0.65
set origin 0,0.35
set bmargin 0
unset key
set format x ''
set grid
set yrange [0:100000]
set ytics 10000
plot 'coe.txt' using 1:8 with lines

unset title
set key right box
set bmargin
set size 1,0.3
set origin 0,0
set tmargin 0
set ylabel 'Quota'
set format x '%Y'
set yrange [0:6000]
set ytics 1000
plot \
'coe.txt' using 1:9 with filledcurves x1 linetype 1 title 'Total Bids', \
'coe.txt' using 1:7 with filledcurves x1 linetype 2 title 'Quota', \
'coe.txt' using 1:9 with lines linetype -1 notitle, \
'coe.txt' using 1:7 with lines linetype -1 notitle


unset multiplot
set xdata time
set output 'coe-e.png'
set timefmt "%Y-%m-%d"
set format y '%6.0f'
set xrange [:"2012-08-01"]
set xtic offset 4

# -- 3rd plot
set multiplot
set title "Singapore C.O.E. (Category E -  Open), last update 2012-07-19"
set ylabel "Quota Premium ($)"
set size 1,0.65
set origin 0,0.35
set bmargin 0
unset key
set format x ''
set grid
set yrange [0:100000]
set ytics 10000
plot 'coe.txt' using 1:23 with lines

unset title
set key right box
set bmargin
set size 1,0.3
set origin 0,0
set tmargin 0
set ylabel 'Quota'
set format x '%Y'
set yrange [0:6000]
set ytics 1000
plot \
'coe.txt' using 1:24 with filledcurves x1 linetype 1 title 'Total Bids', \
'coe.txt' using 1:22 with filledcurves x1 linetype 2 title 'Quota', \
'coe.txt' using 1:24 with lines linetype -1 notitle, \
'coe.txt' using 1:22 with lines linetype -1 notitle
Interested in the data ? It is in the source. :-)
FYI, I will update the graph regularly to reflect the COE trend


Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Visualising Age Distribution of Motor Vehicles

Today's newspaper has an ad on our Government web sites, and one of them caught my attention. That's The data from LTA on Age Distribution of Motor Vehicles is the one that I want to visualise using gnuplot

The animated image clearly showed that more new cars were introduced in 2006. After that the new car business gradually dropped to a record low in 2011. This definitely tally with the COE (Certificate of Entitlement) price and quota.

I am still trying to get hold of the COE data so that I can combine all these information in a single plot. It would be really nice if the data from is given in its raw format.

Here is my gnuplot code to generate the animated gif file

set terminal gif size 800,480 animate delay 100
set output 'car.gif'
set auto x
set yrange [0:120000]
set style data histogram
set style histogram cluster gap 3
set style fill solid border -1
set boxwidth 0.9
set xtic rotate by -90 scale 0 font ",8"
set key box
set grid
set title 'Age Distribution of Motor Vehicle - 2000'
plot '2000' using 2:xtic(1) title 'Cars', '' u 4 title 'Motorcycles', '' u 6 title 'Buses', '' u 8 title 'Goods & Other Vehicles'
set title 'Age Distribution of Motor Vehicle - 2001'
plot '2001' using 2:xtic(1) title 'Cars', '' u 4 title 'Motorcycles', '' u 6 title 'Buses', '' u 8 title 'Goods & Other Vehicles'
set title 'Age Distribution of Motor Vehicle - 2002'
plot '2002' using 2:xtic(1) title 'Cars', '' u 4 title 'Motorcycles', '' u 6 title 'Buses', '' u 8 title 'Goods & Other Vehicles'
set title 'Age Distribution of Motor Vehicle - 2003'
plot '2003' using 2:xtic(1) title 'Cars', '' u 4 title 'Motorcycles', '' u 6 title 'Buses', '' u 8 title 'Goods & Other Vehicles'
set title 'Age Distribution of Motor Vehicle - 2004'
plot '2004' using 2:xtic(1) title 'Cars', '' u 4 title 'Motorcycles', '' u 6 title 'Buses', '' u 8 title 'Goods & Other Vehicles'
set title 'Age Distribution of Motor Vehicle - 2005'
plot '2005' using 2:xtic(1) title 'Cars', '' u 4 title 'Motorcycles', '' u 6 title 'Buses', '' u 8 title 'Goods & Other Vehicles'
set title 'Age Distribution of Motor Vehicle - 2006'
plot '2006' using 2:xtic(1) title 'Cars', '' u 4 title 'Motorcycles', '' u 6 title 'Buses', '' u 8 title 'Goods & Other Vehicles'
set title 'Age Distribution of Motor Vehicle - 2007'
plot '2007' using 2:xtic(1) title 'Cars', '' u 4 title 'Motorcycles', '' u 6 title 'Buses', '' u 8 title 'Goods & Other Vehicles'
set title 'Age Distribution of Motor Vehicle - 2008'
plot '2008' using 2:xtic(1) title 'Cars', '' u 4 title 'Motorcycles', '' u 6 title 'Buses', '' u 8 title 'Goods & Other Vehicles'
set title 'Age Distribution of Motor Vehicle - 2009'
plot '2009' using 2:xtic(1) title 'Cars', '' u 4 title 'Motorcycles', '' u 6 title 'Buses', '' u 8 title 'Goods & Other Vehicles'
set title 'Age Distribution of Motor Vehicle - 2010'
plot '2010' using 2:xtic(1) title 'Cars', '' u 4 title 'Motorcycles', '' u 6 title 'Buses', '' u 8 title 'Goods & Other Vehicles'
set title 'Age Distribution of Motor Vehicle - 2011'
plot '2011' using 2:xtic(1) title 'Cars', '' u 4 title 'Motorcycles', '' u 6 title 'Buses', '' u 8 title 'Goods & Other Vehicles'

Here is all the data

$ for i in 20*
echo ==$i==
cat $i
0-<1 58097 (14.8%) 11620 (8.9%) 1347 (11.0%) 22706 (18.2%)
1-<2 38441 (9.8%) 9887 (7.5%) 887 (7.2%) 11211 (9.0%)
2-<3 27856 (7.1%) 8916 (6.8%) 807 (6.6%) 9293 (7.4%)
3-<4 24160 (6.1%) 7210 (5.5%) 1019 (8.3%) 8459 (6.8%)
4-<5 28211 (7.2%) 6581 (5.0%) 731 (5.9%) 7725 (6.2%)
5-<6 29790 (7.6%) 6044 (4.6%) 1164 (9.5%) 7539 (6.0%)
6-<7 29543 (7.5%) 9011 (6.9%) 978 (8.0%) 6149 (4.9%)
7-<8 38186 (9.7%) 6777 (5.2%) 949 (7.7%) 7342 (5.9%)
8-<9 28030 (7.1%) 5083 (3.9%) 875 (7.1%) 7460 (6.0%)
9-<10 25588 (6.5%) 3601 (2.7%) 831 (6.8%) 6549 (5.2%)
10-<11 8378 (2.1%) 2985 (2.3%) 768 (6.2%) 5927 (4.7%)
11-<12 8675 (2.2%) 4320 (3.3%) 603 (4.9%) 6617 (5.3%)
12-<13 2634 (0.7%) 3843 (2.9%) 395 (3.2%) 3477 (2.8%)
13-<14 2287 (0.6%) 3097 (2.4%) 329 (2.7%) 1601 (1.3%)
14-<15 2151 (0.5%) 2917 (2.2%) 180 (1.5%) 1116 (0.9%)
15-<16 1895 (0.5%) 4901 (3.7%) 156 (1.3%) 1652 (1.3%)
16-<17 4161 (1.1%) 8388 (6.4%) 84 (0.7%) 3035 (2.4%)
17-<18 6681 (1.7%) 8678 (6.6%) 78 (0.6%) 3247 (2.6%)
18-<19 9235 (2.4%) 7654 (5.8%) 82 (0.7%) 2520 (2.0%)
19-<20 3781 (1.0%) 4539 (3.5%) 37 (0.3%) 1020 (0.8%)
20- 15181 (3.9%) 4912 (3.8%) 0 (0.0%) 209 (0.2%)

0-<1 67134 (16.6%) 13980 (10.7%) 861 (6.8%) 13895 (10.9%)
1-<2 58000 (14.3%) 11496 (8.8%) 1348 (10.7%) 22696 (17.8%)
2-<3 38210 (9.4%) 9752 (7.4%) 887 (7.0%) 11163 (8.8%)
3-<4 27614 (6.8%) 8757 (6.7%) 807 (6.4%) 9259 (7.3%)
4-<5 19420 (4.8%) 6908 (5.3%) 1015 (8.0%) 8044 (6.3%)
5-<6 25157 (6.2%) 6078 (4.6%) 728 (5.8%) 7519 (5.9%)
6-<7 25574 (6.3%) 5357 (4.1%) 1157 (9.2%) 7291 (5.7%)
7-<8 23843 (5.9%) 8348 (6.4%) 967 (7.7%) 5893 (4.6%)
8-<9 34102 (8.4%) 6121 (4.7%) 938 (7.4%) 6975 (5.5%)
9-<10 24297 (6.0%) 4245 (3.2%) 848 (6.7%) 7061 (5.5%)
10-<11 14480 (3.6%) 2747 (2.1%) 751 (5.9%) 5203 (4.1%)
11-<12 8238 (2.0%) 2819 (2.2%) 727 (5.8%) 5109 (4.0%)
12-<13 8521 (2.1%) 4035 (3.1%) 571 (4.5%) 5598 (4.4%)
13-<14 2556 (0.6%) 3371 (2.6%) 379 (3.0%) 2769 (2.2%)
14-<15 2135 (0.5%) 2482 (1.9%) 296 (2.3%) 1097 (0.9%)
15-<16 1956 (0.5%) 2230 (1.7%) 54 (0.4%) 512 (0.4%)
16-<17 1791 (0.4%) 4271 (3.3%) 129 (1.0%) 1199 (0.9%)
17-<18 3916 (1.0%) 7339 (5.6%) 66 (0.5%) 2149 (1.7%)
18-<19 5694 (1.4%) 7355 (5.6%) 51 (0.4%) 2222 (1.7%)
19-<20 5450 (1.3%) 6085 (4.6%) 44 (0.3%) 1386 (1.1%)
20- 7266 (1.8%) 7134 (5.4%) 0 (0.0%) 233 (0.2%)

0-<1 62935 (15.6%) 17078 (13.0%) 648 (5.1%) 10317 (8.2%)
1-<2 67066 (16.6%) 13870 (10.6%) 859 (6.8%) 13892 (11.0%)
2-<3 57110 (14.1%) 11322 (8.6%) 1346 (10.6%) 22611 (18.0%)
3-<4 36747 (9.1%) 9562 (7.3%) 885 (7.0%) 11023 (8.8%)
4-<5 26719 (6.6%) 8509 (6.5%) 804 (6.3%) 9197 (7.3%)
5-<6 13305 (3.3%) 6441 (4.9%) 996 (7.8%) 7363 (5.8%)
6-<7 20309 (5.0%) 5442 (4.1%) 718 (5.7%) 7249 (5.8%)
7-<8 18122 (4.5%) 4571 (3.5%) 1148 (9.0%) 6858 (5.4%)
8-<9 15608 (3.9%) 7356 (5.6%) 946 (7.4%) 5446 (4.3%)
9-<10 21537 (5.3%) 5129 (3.9%) 907 (7.1%) 6338 (5.0%)
10-<11 13222 (3.3%) 2984 (2.3%) 747 (5.9%) 4674 (3.7%)
11-<12 14418 (3.6%) 2573 (2.0%) 734 (5.8%) 4916 (3.9%)
12-<13 7913 (2.0%) 2595 (2.0%) 679 (5.3%) 4377 (3.5%)
13-<14 8230 (2.0%) 3639 (2.8%) 523 (4.1%) 4713 (3.7%)
14-<15 2411 (0.6%) 2735 (2.1%) 320 (2.5%) 2176 (1.7%)
15-<16 1821 (0.5%) 1639 (1.2%) 226 (1.8%) 449 (0.4%)
16-<17 1870 (0.5%) 1900 (1.4%) 51 (0.4%) 396 (0.3%)
17-<18 1654 (0.4%) 3586 (2.7%) 102 (0.8%) 906 (0.7%)
18-<19 3357 (0.8%) 5857 (4.5%) 47 (0.4%) 1533 (1.2%)
19-<20 3096 (0.8%) 5415 (4.1%) 21 (0.2%) 1260 (1.0%)
20- 6824 (1.7%) 9234 (7.0%) 0 (0.0%) 237 (0.2%)

0-<1 81244 (20.0%) 14926 (11.1%) 699 (5.5%) 13742 (11.0%)
1-<2 62827 (15.5%) 17009 (12.6%) 648 (5.1%) 10273 (8.2%)
2-<3 66234 (16.3%) 13682 (10.2%) 857 (6.8%) 13770 (11.0%)
3-<4 47358 (11.7%) 11052 (8.2%) 1336 (10.6%) 22139 (17.7%)
4-<5 27250 (6.7%) 9291 (6.9%) 868 (6.9%) 10236 (8.2%)
5-<6 22390 (5.5%) 8189 (6.1%) 797 (6.3%) 8978 (7.2%)
6-<7 8327 (2.1%) 5861 (4.3%) 975 (7.7%) 6129 (4.9%)
7-<8 12810 (3.2%) 4811 (3.6%) 703 (5.6%) 6407 (5.1%)
8-<9 10545 (2.6%) 3871 (2.9%) 1072 (8.5%) 5971 (4.8%)
9-<10 6747 (1.7%) 6312 (4.7%) 923 (7.3%) 4746 (3.8%)
10-<11 4207 (1.0%) 4280 (3.2%) 842 (6.7%) 5261 (4.2%)
11-<12 13164 (3.2%) 2643 (2.0%) 728 (5.8%) 4001 (3.2%)
12-<13 14236 (3.5%) 2275 (1.7%) 707 (5.6%) 4266 (3.4%)
13-<14 6678 (1.6%) 2255 (1.7%) 612 (4.8%) 3321 (2.7%)
14-<15 6834 (1.7%) 3043 (2.3%) 442 (3.5%) 2937 (2.3%)
15-<16 1849 (0.5%) 1808 (1.3%) 256 (2.0%) 611 (0.5%)
16-<17 1638 (0.4%) 1336 (1.0%) 64 (0.5%) 330 (0.3%)
17-<18 1629 (0.4%) 1604 (1.2%) 31 (0.2%) 284 (0.2%)
18-<19 1157 (0.3%) 3039 (2.3%) 71 (0.6%) 620 (0.5%)
19-<20 1079 (0.3%) 4855 (3.6%) 22 (0.2%) 800 (0.6%)
20- 7125 (1.8%) 12625 (9.4%) 0 (0.0%) 201 (0.2%)

0-<1 96670 (23.2%) 12046 (8.8%) 684 (5.3%) 14901 (11.8%)
1-<2 81164 (19.5%) 14855 (10.9%) 699 (5.4%) 13736 (10.8%)
2-<3 60289 (14.5%) 16825 (12.4%) 644 (5.0%) 9992 (7.9%)
3-<4 56374 (13.5%) 13448 (9.9%) 853 (6.6%) 13360 (10.5%)
4-<5 27860 (6.7%) 10732 (7.9%) 1316 (10.2%) 20725 (16.4%)
5-<6 13038 (3.1%) 8927 (6.6%) 846 (6.6%) 8897 (7.0%)
6-<7 15284 (3.7%) 7762 (5.7%) 784 (6.1%) 8686 (6.9%)
7-<8 4311 (1.0%) 5272 (3.9%) 947 (7.3%) 5003 (3.9%)
8-<9 6970 (1.7%) 4241 (3.1%) 691 (5.4%) 5662 (4.5%)
9-<10 4538 (1.1%) 3178 (2.3%) 1046 (8.1%) 5459 (4.3%)
10-<11 811 (0.2%) 4843 (3.6%) 890 (6.9%) 4190 (3.3%)
11-<12 4165 (1.0%) 3788 (2.8%) 829 (6.4%) 4969 (3.9%)
12-<13 12979 (3.1%) 2263 (1.7%) 704 (5.5%) 3305 (2.6%)
13-<14 13490 (3.2%) 1969 (1.4%) 688 (5.3%) 3505 (2.8%)
14-<15 4395 (1.1%) 1877 (1.4%) 567 (4.4%) 2256 (1.8%)
15-<16 3856 (0.9%) 2481 (1.8%) 373 (2.9%) 655 (0.5%)
16-<17 1565 (0.4%) 1509 (1.1%) 242 (1.9%) 433 (0.3%)
17-<18 1298 (0.3%) 1096 (0.8%) 26 (0.2%) 224 (0.2%)
18-<19 1248 (0.3%) 1340 (1.0%) 26 (0.2%) 200 (0.2%)
19-<20 753 (0.2%) 2589 (1.9%) 37 (0.3%) 378 (0.3%)
20- 6045 (1.4%) 15081 (11.1%) 0 (0.0%) 173 (0.1%)

0-<1 109165 (24.9%) 12122 (8.7%) 776 (5.9%) 14138 (11.0%)
1-<2 96518 (22.0%) 11976 (8.6%) 684 (5.2%) 14898 (11.6%)
2-<3 78754 (18.0%) 14712 (10.6%) 699 (5.3%) 13689 (10.7%)
3-<4 46496 (10.6%) 16599 (12.0%) 639 (4.8%) 9394 (7.3%)
4-<5 34396 (7.8%) 13127 (9.5%) 840 (6.4%) 12379 (9.7%)
5-<6 10562 (2.4%) 10358 (7.5%) 1290 (9.8%) 18348 (14.3%)
6-<7 6644 (1.5%) 8500 (6.1%) 819 (6.2%) 7718 (6.0%)
7-<8 8462 (1.9%) 7326 (5.3%) 767 (5.8%) 8133 (6.3%)
8-<9 2284 (0.5%) 4794 (3.5%) 922 (7.0%) 4245 (3.3%)
9-<10 3250 (0.7%) 3661 (2.6%) 674 (5.1%) 5160 (4.0%)
10-<11 644 (0.1%) 2218 (1.6%) 1006 (7.6%) 4944 (3.9%)
11-<12 787 (0.2%) 4241 (3.1%) 879 (6.6%) 4035 (3.1%)
12-<13 4003 (0.9%) 3271 (2.4%) 812 (6.1%) 4514 (3.5%)
13-<14 12431 (2.8%) 1903 (1.4%) 666 (5.0%) 2595 (2.0%)
14-<15 11822 (2.7%) 1661 (1.2%) 664 (5.0%) 2437 (1.9%)
15-<16 1823 (0.4%) 1483 (1.1%) 504 (3.8%) 690 (0.5%)
16-<17 2859 (0.7%) 2214 (1.6%) 342 (2.6%) 454 (0.4%)
17-<18 1113 (0.3%) 1299 (0.9%) 211 (1.6%) 194 (0.2%)
18-<19 879 (0.2%) 945 (0.7%) 16 (0.1%) 52 (0.0%)
19-<20 844 (0.2%) 1154 (0.8%) 10 (0.1%) 42 (0.0%)
20- 4458 (1.0%) 15024 (10.8%) 0 (0.0%) 134 (0.1%)

0-<1 116741 (24.7%) 11456 (8.1%) 985 (7.1%) 13358 (10.1%)
1-<2 109075 (23.1%) 12047 (8.5%) 778 (5.6%) 14133 (10.6%)
2-<3 93240 (19.7%) 11848 (8.4%) 686 (5.0%) 14908 (11.2%)
3-<4 63124 (13.4%) 14511 (10.2%) 701 (5.1%) 13655 (10.3%)
4-<5 26056 (5.5%) 16349 (11.5%) 629 (4.5%) 8451 (6.4%)
5-<6 15655 (3.3%) 12805 (9.0%) 816 (5.9%) 11285 (8.5%)
6-<7 5823 (1.2%) 9934 (7.0%) 1249 (9.0%) 17076 (12.9%)
7-<8 3398 (0.7%) 8052 (5.7%) 789 (5.7%) 6918 (5.2%)
8-<9 4456 (0.9%) 6862 (4.8%) 748 (5.4%) 7732 (5.8%)
9-<10 1174 (0.2%) 4366 (3.1%) 901 (6.5%) 3830 (2.9%)
10-<11 1131 (0.2%) 2953 (2.1%) 640 (4.6%) 4625 (3.5%)
11-<12 634 (0.1%) 1975 (1.4%) 1004 (7.3%) 4806 (3.6%)
12-<13 746 (0.2%) 3696 (2.6%) 865 (6.3%) 3800 (2.9%)
13-<14 3617 (0.8%) 2849 (2.0%) 784 (5.7%) 3969 (3.0%)
14-<15 10967 (2.3%) 1587 (1.1%) 639 (4.6%) 1885 (1.4%)
15-<16 8972 (1.9%) 1318 (0.9%) 625 (4.5%) 1219 (0.9%)
16-<17 1295 (0.3%) 1344 (0.9%) 483 (3.5%) 556 (0.4%)
17-<18 1914 (0.4%) 1985 (1.4%) 312 (2.3%) 343 (0.3%)
18-<19 697 (0.1%) 1135 (0.8%) 193 (1.4%) 134 (0.1%)
19-<20 554 (0.1%) 825 (0.6%) 4 (0.0%) 30 (0.0%)
20- 3039 (0.6%) 13984 (9.9%) 0 (0.0%) 128 (0.1%)

0<1 106502 (20.7%) 10343 (7.2%) 775 (5.5%) 10652 (7.7%)
1<2 116656 (22.7%) 11338 (7.9%) 981 (6.9%) 13378 (9.7%)
2<3 108606 (21.1%) 11897 (8.3%) 777 (5.5%) 14204 (10.2%)
3<4 81376 (15.8%) 11704 (8.2%) 687 (4.8%) 14926 (10.8%)
4<5 42069 (8.2%) 14297 (10.0%) 695 (4.9%) 13583 (9.8%)
5<6 12678 (2.5%) 16098 (11.2%) 611 (4.3%) 7833 (5.7%)
6<7 10607 (2.1%) 12396 (8.6%) 798 (5.6%) 10740 (7.7%)
7<8 3638 (0.7%) 9397 (6.5%) 1225 (8.6%) 16386 (11.8%)
8<9 2024 (0.4%) 7418 (5.2%) 768 (5.4%) 6677 (4.8%)
9<10 2288 (0.4%) 6068 (4.2%) 729 (5.1%) 7647 (5.5%)
10-<11 502 (0.1%) 3405 (2.4%) 885 (6.2%) 3724 (2.7%)
11-<12 1125 (0.2%) 2725 (1.9%) 630 (4.4%) 4516 (3.3%)
12-<13 621 (0.1%) 1732 (1.2%) 999 (7.0%) 4632 (3.3%)
13-<14 698 (0.1%) 3142 (2.2%) 856 (6.0%) 3499 (2.5%)
14-<15 3223 (0.6%) 2475 (1.7%) 761 (5.4%) 3341 (2.4%)
15-<16 9311 (1.8%) 1249 (0.9%) 604 (4.3%) 907 (0.7%)
16-<17 6982 (1.4%) 1209 (0.8%) 615 (4.3%) 1021 (0.7%)
17-<18 980 (0.2%) 1224 (0.9%) 458 (3.2%) 463 (0.3%)
18-<19 1380 (0.3%) 1760 (1.2%) 281 (2.0%) 264 (0.2%)
19-<20 445 (0.1%) 992 (0.7%) 57 (0.4%) 94 (0.1%)
20- 2974 (0.6%) 12613 (8.8%) 0 (0.0%) 117 (0.1%)

0<1 96945 (17.6%) 10336 (7.1%) 1506 (10.1%) 8630 (6.0%)
1<2 106440 (19.3%) 10212 (7.0%) 778 (5.2%) 10640 (7.4%)
2<3 116471 (21.2%) 11162 (7.7%) 980 (6.5%) 13364 (9.3%)
3<4 102520 (18.6%) 11740 (8.1%) 775 (5.2%) 14192 (9.9%)
4<5 60442 (11.0%) 11508 (7.9%) 686 (4.6%) 14910 (10.4%)
5<6 23981 (4.4%) 14094 (9.7%) 695 (4.6%) 13510 (9.4%)
6<7 8570 (1.6%) 15795 (10.9%) 598 (4.0%) 7393 (5.2%)
7<8 7668 (1.4%) 11928 (8.2%) 783 (5.2%) 10315 (7.2%)
8<9 2474 (0.4%) 8761 (6.0%) 1198 (8.0%) 15908 (11.1%)
9<10 1131 (0.2%) 6491 (4.5%) 747 (5.0%) 6446 (4.5%)
10-<11 594 (0.1%) 4381 (3.0%) 691 (4.6%) 7226 (5.1%)
11-<12 498 (0.1%) 3203 (2.2%) 874 (5.8%) 3711 (2.6%)
12-<13 1113 (0.2%) 2513 (1.7%) 627 (4.2%) 4428 (3.1%)
13-<14 604 (0.1%) 1561 (1.1%) 993 (6.6%) 4494 (3.1%)
14-<15 649 (0.1%) 2737 (1.9%) 837 (5.6%) 3155 (2.2%)
15-<16 2698 (0.5%) 2156 (1.5%) 718 (4.8%) 2303 (1.6%)
16-<17 7810 (1.4%) 1121 (0.8%) 589 (3.9%) 813 (0.6%)
17-<18 5353 (1.0%) 1094 (0.8%) 443 (3.0%) 872 (0.6%)
18-<19 746 (0.1%) 1039 (0.7%) 378 (2.5%) 390 (0.3%)
19-<20 851 (0.2%) 1257 (0.9%) 80 (0.5%) 153 (0.1%)
20- 2897 (0.5%) 12199 (8.4%) 0 (0.0%) 113 (0.1%)

0-<1 68464 (11.9%) 8827 (6.0%) 1376 (8.8%) 5552 (3.8%)
1-<2 96927 (16.8%) 10248 (7.0%) 1505 (9.6%) 8624 (6.0%)
2-<3 106281 (18.4%) 10076 (6.9%) 778 (5.0%) 10631 (7.3%)
3-<4 116043 (20.1%) 10982 (7.5%) 978 (6.2%) 13352 (9.2%)
4-<5 93610 (16.2%) 11540 (7.9%) 773 (4.9%) 14172 (9.8%)
5-<6 44002 (7.6%) 11323 (7.7%) 681 (4.3%) 14865 (10.3%)
6-<7 17511 (3.0%) 13800 (9.4%) 687 (4.4%) 13337 (9.2%)
7-<8 5936 (1.0%) 15437 (10.5%) 575 (3.7%) 7057 (4.9%)
8-<9 5465 (0.9%) 11277 (7.7%) 759 (4.8%) 9947 (6.9%)
9-<10 1574 (0.3%) 7901 (5.4%) 1165 (7.4%) 15447 (10.7%)
10-<11 505 (0.1%) 4889 (3.3%) 704 (4.5%) 6136 (4.2%)
11-<12 586 (0.1%) 4118 (2.8%) 684 (4.4%) 7140 (4.9%)
12-<13 488 (0.1%) 2967 (2.0%) 870 (5.6%) 3678 (2.5%)
13-<14 1096 (0.2%) 2329 (1.6%) 618 (3.9%) 4263 (2.9%)
14-<15 577 (0.1%) 1365 (0.9%) 979 (6.3%) 4187 (2.9%)
15-<16 550 (0.1%) 2313 (1.6%) 812 (5.2%) 2548 (1.8%)
16-<17 2377 (0.4%) 1919 (1.3%) 683 (4.4%) 2121 (1.5%)
17-<18 6618 (1.1%) 1021 (0.7%) 515 (3.3%) 686 (0.5%)
18-<19 4297 (0.7%) 985 (0.7%) 372 (2.4%) 658 (0.5%)
19-<20 661 (0.1%) 842 (0.6%) 145 (0.9%) 290 (0.2%)
20- 3420 (0.6%) 12178 (8.3%) 0 (0.0%) 111 (0.1%)

0-<1 41407 (7.0%) 8228 (5.6%) 1088 (6.8%) 3905 (2.7%)
1-<2 68503 (11.5%) 8744 (5.9%) 1376 (8.6%) 5547 (3.9%)
2-<3 96887 (16.3%) 10139 (6.9%) 1509 (9.5%) 8623 (6.0%)
3-<4 105917 (17.8%) 9973 (6.8%) 781 (4.9%) 10633 (7.4%)
4-<5 115583 (19.4%) 10846 (7.4%) 976 (6.1%) 13331 (9.3%)
5-<6 88437 (14.9%) 11317 (7.7%) 773 (4.9%) 14154 (9.9%)
6-<7 37564 (6.3%) 11092 (7.5%) 678 (4.3%) 14838 (10.3%)
7-<8 14014 (2.4%) 13529 (9.2%) 673 (4.2%) 13238 (9.2%)
8-<9 4713 (0.8%) 14983 (10.2%) 559 (3.5%) 6879 (4.8%)
9-<10 3790 (0.6%) 10391 (7.1%) 730 (4.6%) 9380 (6.5%)
10-<11 558 (0.1%) 5958 (4.0%) 1063 (6.7%) 12946 (9.0%)
11-<12 501 (0.1%) 4648 (3.2%) 688 (4.3%) 6116 (4.3%)
12-<13 581 (0.1%) 3875 (2.6%) 680 (4.3%) 7105 (4.9%)
13-<14 475 (0.1%) 2779 (1.9%) 862 (5.4%) 3662 (2.5%)
14-<15 1082 (0.2%) 2140 (1.5%) 604 (3.8%) 4068 (2.8%)
15-<16 526 (0.1%) 1174 (0.8%) 959 (6.0%) 3678 (2.6%)
16-<17 533 (0.1%) 2068 (1.4%) 790 (5.0%) 2430 (1.7%)
17-<18 2018 (0.3%) 1706 (1.2%) 618 (3.9%) 1973 (1.4%)
18-<19 5121 (0.9%) 920 (0.6%) 436 (2.7%) 563 (0.4%)
19-<20 3217 (0.5%) 851 (0.6%) 93 (0.6%) 437 (0.3%)
20- 3758 (0.6%) 11921 (8.1%) 0 (0.0%) 107 (0.1%)

0-<1 27748 (4.6%) 7991 (5.5%) 1502 (9.0%) 5175 (3.6%)
1-<2 41426 (6.9%) 8175 (5.6%) 1089 (6.5%) 3903 (2.7%)
2-<3 68512 (11.3%) 8677 (6.0%) 1376 (8.3%) 5545 (3.8%)
3-<4 96877 (16.0%) 10037 (6.9%) 1509 (9.1%) 8616 (5.9%)
4-<5 105783 (17.5%) 9880 (6.8%) 781 (4.7%) 10630 (7.3%)
5-<6 115335 (19.1%) 10714 (7.4%) 975 (5.9%) 13317 (9.2%)
6-<7 87554 (14.5%) 11118 (7.6%) 773 (4.6%) 14142 (9.7%)
7-<8 34178 (5.7%) 10837 (7.4%) 672 (4.0%) 14809 (10.2%)
8-<9 11710 (1.9%) 13134 (9.0%) 658 (4.0%) 13135 (9.0%)
9-<10 3376 (0.6%) 13623 (9.4%) 530 (3.2%) 6647 (4.6%)
10-<11 588 (0.1%) 6836 (4.7%) 670 (4.0%) 7895 (5.4%)
11-<12 558 (0.1%) 5701 (3.9%) 1053 (6.3%) 12857 (8.9%)
12-<13 501 (0.1%) 4404 (3.0%) 683 (4.1%) 6098 (4.2%)
13-<14 575 (0.1%) 3638 (2.5%) 671 (4.0%) 7072 (4.9%)
14-<15 464 (0.1%) 2577 (1.8%) 841 (5.1%) 3610 (2.5%)
15-<16 1016 (0.2%) 1913 (1.3%) 580 (3.5%) 3565 (2.5%)
16-<17 519 (0.1%) 1084 (0.7%) 941 (5.7%) 3604 (2.5%)
17-<18 512 (0.1%) 1831 (1.3%) 701 (4.2%) 2313 (1.6%)
18-<19 1094 (0.2%) 1499 (1.0%) 543 (3.3%) 1787 (1.2%)
19-<20 1149 (0.2%) 768 (0.5%) 104 (0.6%) 319 (0.2%)
20- 4248 (0.7%) 11243 (7.7%) 0 (0.0%) 119 (0.1%)
